giovedì 12 dicembre 2013
Still not completely sure, though.
We'll see :-)
lunedì 16 aprile 2012
Finisco qui per mancanza di voglia,detta come va detta. Già la scorsa estate (e forse anche prima), avevo deciso di smettere di frugare l'internet in cerca di link perchè mi ero rotto le balle di farlo.
Ma ho invitato etichette e gruppi a mandarmi i link del caso affinchè potessi pubblicarli.
Qualcuno l'ha fatto e gliene sono grato.
Ma in generale, l'invito è caduto un pò nel vuoto.
Dopodiché, mi sono stufato in generale.
Però,boh, magari poi mi torna la voglia di occuparmi di questo blog e potrei riesumarlo più avanti.
Per ora, ciao e grazie mille a tutti \m/
martedì 13 dicembre 2011
GRIME- Self Titled (2011)

Grime is a sludge band from Trieste (Italy) featuring current members and ex-members of Pianoearthquake, The Secret and Robert Of The Square.
6 tracks + 33 minutes of sludgy downtuned heaviness = TNT
COMITY- The Journey Is Over Now (2011)

New release from Throatruiner Records:
1 - Part I (11’40)
2 - Part II (8’22)
3 - Part III (9’01)
4 - Part IV (21’58)
Fear of musical routine. Will of pushing back boundaries with a classical rock instrumentation. Astounding violence executed in one of the most distinguished ways. Incredibly meticulous attention to detail. With so much selection criteria, very few could pull this all off whilst harnessing a consistent sound. And if there’s one band that has always sweat blood and water to access there in the midst of bands like Starkweather, Breach, Today Is The Day, Neurosis, Oxbow and Converge, then it’s without a doubt COMITY. A more than deserved sacrament after fifteen years of a spanner thrown in the works, between disillusions, line-up & record label issues amongst many other aborted plans - going as far as making them momentarily give up in 2007. COMITY have behind them fifteen years of noise and incredible live performances (with The Dillinger Escape Plan, Converge, Cave In, Today Is The Day…) not to mention a discography with a fascinating progression which propel the band to the rank of one of France’s biggest glories at the release of their second album “As Everything Is A Tragedy” in 2006.
“The Journey Is Over Now”, their first full-length in five years, shows a band more ruthless and musically ambitious than ever before. Four tracks delivering 52 minutes of an oppressive but finely worked chaos : a maze of winding riffs and unique melodies.
”Because there’s nothing for them here, they search elsewhere. A long journey which will finally lead them to nowhere. Still inspired by Philip José Farmer’s novel “To Your Scattered Bodies Go”, lyrics are based upon the will of living and the endless quest of absolution. An ironic mise en abyme of musical composition : abstract, without end nor goal. Our goal has always been to convey a multitude of emotions, of feelings with maximum intensity. Whether it’s riffs, structures or through integration of new instruments : lap steel on all tracks, “distorted” saxophone, “grinded” sitar, bass synthesizer or choirs & vocals interwoven and inseparable, we always had the need to write and play this music, without bounds nor strains. Once again recorded live with the same will to sound simply rock, without frills and as less overproduced as possible. We choose to keep a standard tuning, a less saturated sound, without compression and with natural-sounding acoustic drums. Now that this project is complete, we want to share our music on stage with as many people as we can. This time, free downloads will be distributed to put sharing and accessibility within the level of our investment.”
Recorded and mixed between Laval and Paris by sound sorcerers Amaury Sauvé & Sylvain Biguet, mastered by Carl Saff, this fine-cut monolith of darkness shows a band in constant soul-searching and who has been able to push their art in ways they never would have dreamed possible. Exhausting in their ability to bring fluidity and atmosphere to their extremely dense compositions, “The Journey Is Over Now” reminds that COMITY is, more now than ever before, a band impossible to pigeon hole. This is extreme rock’n roll, and nothing else.
martedì 18 ottobre 2011

05 NOVEMBRE @ EKIDNA- via Livorno 9, Carpi (Modena):
REVERVE- alternative rock bonanza da Carpi
LLEROY- rock'n roll serramanico da Jesi
CAYMAN THE ANIMAL- rock'n roll petardo da Perugia/Roma
mercoledì 12 ottobre 2011
mercoledì 5 ottobre 2011

The guys of Throatruiner Records sent me some new stuff.
Here's what the label says about it:
Here's our first release for this fall, a three-way split between AS WE DRAW (France - post-metal), EUGLENA (Russia - mathcore) and HEXIS (Denmark - black/hardcore)
AS WE DRAW •• Nearly one year after their first album "Lines Breaking Circles" which propel them into the rank of the biggest european outsiders of their style, the young princes of french post-metal are back to punish everybody once again with these two tracks, more muscular and tighter than never before. Five-stars songwriting, outrageous emotional power and contagious anxiety, this is caviar filled with cyanide.
For fans of : Breach, Ken Mode, Old Man Gloom
EUGLENA •• They are coming from the red nation but could have come from the pink city; the hardcore from russians Euglena is as dissonant as buzzing, not so far from the know-how of toulousians I Pilot Daemon & Plebeian Grandstand. These three tracks are a good session of revigorating apnea, slower and dirtier continuation of their previous EP "An Anxious Surface".
For fans of : Buried Inside, Plebeian Grandstand, Botch
HEXIS •• A Danish butchery : hardcore, black metal, sludge and blast beats thrown in the most epic and brutal way. If their first eponymous EP has already teared a strip off some people, "Crux" and "Nex" are following the going-over by stepping up their urgency and helped by a nauseous as-fuck sound.
For fans of : Celeste, Crowpath, Blut Aus Nord
Some informations :
Streaming/free download links : (Bandcamp) or (Mediafire)
Buy :
1. As We Draw - Fingers To Point
2. As We Draw - Fingers To Stab
3. Euglena - Before After/After The Before
4. Euglena - Renaissance
5. Hexis - Crux
6. Hexis - Nex
If you want more by As We Draw, as we have released their previous full length some monthes ago, you can find it here :
22 ottobre @ Ekidna: Metallo! con JESUS AIN'T IN POLAND + APE UNIT + BLOOD OF SEKLUSION

Ekidna e Circolo Culturale Twilight inaugurano la loro collaborazione il 22 ottobre con:
JESUS AIN'T IN POLAND - Modena's finest grindcore
APE UNIT- grinding powerviolence da Cuneo
BLOOD OF SEKLUSION- death metal da Modena
martedì 6 settembre 2011
1 ottobre 2011 - EKIDNA (Carpi, Modena)- MEGAWOLF'S FINEST: Hungry Like Rakovitz + End Of A Season + Burning Like Torches

Perciò, il 1 ottobre ricominciamo con le manate in faccia assieme a:
HUNGRY LIKE RAKOVITZ (grind-posthc da Bergamo)
END OF A SEASON (posthc da Reggio Emilia)
BURNING LIKE TORCHES (metalcore da Reggio Emilia)
giovedì 28 luglio 2011

Got the links to this 3 way split from THROATRUINER RECORDS and I'm glad they got in touch with me for this split record is pretty fierce.
Here's what the label wrote me about the bands of this split record:
Three bands, three different interpretations of hardcore/punk, two continents, one policy: Destroy.
BONE DANCE (Boise, Idaho, USA) doesn't want to be your friend. The nihilism you'll hear from these self-described "five loud dudes with shitty attitudes", playing their exceedingly raw brand of chaotic hardcore/sludge, will ring a bell whether you're into GAZA or KEN MODE, BOTCH or CURSED. Conceived with a colossal sense of brutality, yet never forsaking their punk ethos, "West" and "Conniver" will further consecrate this band as one to watch. Remember this goddamned name.
No matter how paradoxical it may seem, DIVIDER (Long Island, New York, USA) would prefer to unite rather than to divide. Uniting the sound of more modern filthy hardcore bands with a strong sense of punk emergency, these two tracks ("Gaia" & "Halios Geron" ) introduce Chris Tzompanakis behind the mic, best known for his work with the influential group SKYCAMEFALLING in the early 2000's. If you're into DEADGUY, THE POWER AND THE GLORY, or VISION OF DISORDER, you've found the perfect soundtrack for your next bare-knuckle boxing match.
As for PLEBEIAN GRANDSTAND (Toulouse, France), if the shrapnel-laden assault that was "How Hate Is Hard To Define" had you asking for more, this time around there won't be any survivors left to beg for a rematch. If the explosion of screaming and distortion that is "Woe Is Me" isn't enough, then the hallucinatory "Woe Is You", with its NEUROSIS inspired, trance-like drums, and a throbbing bassline that builds to a crescendo which threatens to tip the richter scale, certainly will be. The first time I heard these tracks, I felt like ripping off my eyelids. And I won't be the one.
Streaming on Bandcamp! (there you would also find other records they published)
venerdì 8 luglio 2011
mercoledì 6 luglio 2011
CAYMAN THE ANIMAL | Too old to die young (2011)

Since it's summer, we all need some punk-driven rock'n roll. And the dudes from Cayman The Animal (Perugia,Italy) satisfy our needs and deliver us some,ehm, punk-driven rock'n roll.