The guys of
Throatruiner Records sent me some new stuff.
Here's what the label says about it:
Here's our first release for this fall, a three-way split between AS WE DRAW (France - post-metal), EUGLENA (Russia - mathcore) and HEXIS (Denmark - black/hardcore)
AS WE DRAW •• Nearly one year after their first album "Lines Breaking Circles" which propel them into the rank of the biggest european outsiders of their style, the young princes of french post-metal are back to punish everybody once again with these two tracks, more muscular and tighter than never before. Five-stars songwriting, outrageous emotional power and contagious anxiety, this is caviar filled with cyanide.
For fans of : Breach, Ken Mode, Old Man Gloom
EUGLENA •• They are coming from the red nation but could have come from the pink city; the hardcore from russians Euglena is as dissonant as buzzing, not so far from the know-how of toulousians I Pilot Daemon & Plebeian Grandstand. These three tracks are a good session of revigorating apnea, slower and dirtier continuation of their previous EP "An Anxious Surface".
For fans of : Buried Inside, Plebeian Grandstand, Botch
HEXIS •• A Danish butchery : hardcore, black metal, sludge and blast beats thrown in the most epic and brutal way. If their first eponymous EP has already teared a strip off some people, "Crux" and "Nex" are following the going-over by stepping up their urgency and helped by a nauseous as-fuck sound.
For fans of : Celeste, Crowpath, Blut Aus Nord
Some informations :
Streaming/free download links : http://throatruinerrecords.bandcamp.com/album/3-way-split (Bandcamp) or http://www.mediafire.com/?epu1px85cak7x9b (Mediafire)
Buy : http://throatruinerrecords.bigcartel.com/artist/as-we-draw
1. As We Draw - Fingers To Point
2. As We Draw - Fingers To Stab
3. Euglena - Before After/After The Before
4. Euglena - Renaissance
5. Hexis - Crux
6. Hexis - Nex
If you want more by As We Draw, as we have released their previous full length some monthes ago, you can find it here : http://throatruinerrecords.bandcamp.com/album/lines-breaking-circles