CynicLab is a diy label based in Bologna (Italy). Up to now, it has released some cool stuff going from stoner/doom to posthc and to ambient/noise stuff. I mean, if they like something and if they have enough money to, they publish it.
So here are the links to all the stuff they published. Listen to them and feel free to go to the label's webstore and buy their records (most of them are all on vinyl for vinyl is better).
www.cyniclab.com/mp3releases/CL00.zip Dead Elephant - lowest shared descent:
www.cyniclab.com/mp3releases/CL01.zipChoriachi- mope variations/dope radiations:
www.cyniclab.com/mp3releases/CL02.zipMorkobot- s/t reissue:
www.cyniclab.com/mp3releases/CL03.zipIcon Of Hyemes/Storm[O]- split 7":
www.cyniclab.com/mp3releases/CL04.zipJagannah - s/t:
www.cyniclab.com/mp3releases/CL05.zipOracle- going up the river:
www.cyniclab.com/mp3releases/CL06.zipTears|Before- reversal ep:
www.cyniclab.com/mp3releases/CL08.zipDevoggol- shall we go to the disco?:
www.cyniclab.com/mp3releases/CL09.zipStoner Kebab- superdoom:
www.cyniclab.com/mp3releases/CL10.zipAkronia- omnis obscuritas:
www.cyniclab.com/mp3releases/CL0alpha.zipAdamennon- la cinica foresta dei tetri arbusti deformi:
www.cyniclab.com/mp3releases/CL0gamma.zipDiscover the label: